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两男争一女的情歌"斗"唱 < The Girl Is Mine> - 迈克杰克逊和保罗麦卡特尼



(Michael):自从我遇上她,我每晚都能梦到她.哥们儿我特自豪这点, 她就喜欢我一个.我在她心中, 那家伙可是"相当"有地位啊
(Paul):我就搞不明白, 你是不是脑子进水了.整天说她是你的, 分明她爱的是我嘛.没事老做那种梦里献殷勤的傻事儿,整个一浪费生命.早他妈的跟你说了,这妞是我的.甭走那脑子, 费那劲了.
(Paul): Michael, 咱俩儿也别在这儿掐架了, 好不好
(Michael): Paul, 我早就跟你说了, 我是她正牌情人, 但咱也不想跟你打架
(Paul): 这我也知道, Michael, 但是她跟我说了, 她这辈子就爱我一人, 你知道的, 你砸就忘了呢
(Michael): 是啊, 可自从她爱上我以后, 她说她再也不想爱别人了, 你说这咋整呢?
(Paul): 这是她说的?
(Michael):是啊, 算了吧, 接着做你的大头梦吧
(Paul): 瞎掰,我才不信呢.

如果以上面这段对话做一首歌曲的填词, 我想换哪个歌手也不敢来唱, 哪个作曲人也谱不出来曲子. 但是有些事情很难说. 我经常跟朋友说, 吴宇森的电影如果要获得成功,光靠枪战动作场面,慢镜头和鸽子是不行的, 必须有两个实力派的男演员斗演技才能撑起来整部戏. 同样在流行音乐界也有这种情况. 上面的对话是我用北京普通话简略翻译的歌词, 歌曲<The Girl Is Mine>被英美两大流行天王Michael Jackson 和 Paul McCartney(甲壳虫的主唱)硬生生地给唱红了, 虽然旋律简单但不失优美, 歌词也很谐趣, 传唱一时, 也算是乐坛一件趣事.


1st Verse (Michael)
Every night she walks right in my dreams
Since I met her from the start
I'm so proud I am the only one
Who is special in her heart
The girl is mine
The doggone girl is mine
I know she's mine
Because the doggone girl is mine

2nd Verse (Paul)
I don't understand the way you think
Saying that she's yours not mine
Sending roses and your silly dreams
Really just a waste of time

Because she's mine
The doggone girl is mine
Don't waste your time
Because the doggone girl is mine

Bridge (Paul)
I love you more than he
(Take you anywhere)

But I love you endlessly
(Loving we will share)

(Michael & Paul)
So come and go with me
To one town

But we both cannot have her
So it's one or the other
And one day you'll discover
That she's my girl forever and ever

3rd Verse (Paul)
I don't build your hopes to be let down
'Cause I really feel it's time

I know she'll tell you I'm the one for her
'Cause she said I blow her mind

Chorus (Michael)
The girl is mine
The doggone girl is mine
Don't waste your time
Because the doggone girl is mine
(Michael & Paul)
She's mine, she's mine
No, no, no, she's mine
The girl is mine, the girl is mine
The girl is mine, the girl is mine

The girl is mine, (yep) she's mine
The girl is mine, (yep) she's mine

Don't waste your time
Because the doggone girl is mine
The girl is mine, the girl is mine

Michael, we're not going to fight about this, okay

Paul, I think I told you, I'm a lover not a fighter

I've heard it all before, Michael, she told me that I'm her forever lover, you know, don't you remember

Well, after loving me, she said she couldn't love another

Is that what she said

Yes, she said it, you keep dreaming

I don't believe it

(Michael & Paul)
The girl is mine (mine, mine, mine)

2 楼 hongfei3 2008-04-20  
1 楼 nihlathaks 2008-04-19  


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    NB SuperCollider现在托管在GitHub上,可以从那里下载最新版本。 http://supercollider.github.io... SuperCollider由詹姆斯·麦卡特尼(James McCartney)于1996年创建,现在(从版本3开始)以自由软件的形式发布。

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